Berton is one of three men who work full time in the Good News Hospital project as Hospital Evangelists. Most of the project staff, with the exception of some of the maintenance department workers, nightwatchmen and laundry workers, are committed Christians. Many of them, especially the medical and nursing staff, school teachers and community health workers, are active in sharing their faith and using every opportunity to spread the message of the Gospel. But the hospital evangelists are able to give themselves fully to evangelism. This includes leading the daily gospel services in the wards and outpatients, visiting all the inpatients and spending time sharing the message of Jesus with them and their relatives, counselling those whose illnesses are such that their lives are likely to be short, going with the Community Health team on village visitation, and with the eye team visiting Mananara or Bealanana, and so on. Each of these men have interesting stories of how the Lord drew them to Himself. In this video, Berton shares his story. He speaks in Tsimihety, but subtitles will help you know what he is saying. We hope it will be a stimulus to pray for him and his colleagues.